Monday 17 September 2007


An afternoon of chauffered punting on the Cam followed by traditional pub fare in the very pub where Watson and Crick discovered the double helix...just a typical day in Cambridge, England. A friend and I stayed in this beautiful, historic town this past weekend. It is only an hour outside of London and yet one would have thought we had traveled to an entirely different world. We wandered through King's College Chapel in the afternoon and completed our evenings reading the Chronicles of Narnia and Harry Potter over vanilla tea and shortbread in the Chaucer Road flat belonging to another one of my dad's former work colleagues. The setting is truly picturesque, with cobblestone roads and perfectly green lawns strecthing across the 31 college campuses that make up the university. And with a good English book and a cozy chair to end each day, who would ever want to go back to the city?

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